Today's Goals - What are yours?



  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    JULY GOALS ---
    (1) Log all food and beverages honestly; Drink 10+ water [week 1 challenge = MEASURE IT!]
    (2) Exercise 30 min minimum (3000 steps)
    (3) Clean 30 min per day: house or yard or declutter

    Do 20 min stretches and 30 min of walking
    Feed & Water animals -- done
    Water outside plants -- done
    Collect trash & take to bin -- done
    Create template & data for weekend meeting - email DGD -- done
    Do Five -- 15-min declutters -- 1 / each LR, BR, BR2, Kit, DR
    List 5 items for which I am grateful and include reasons -- done

    Want to finish the decluttering so am not adding any other tasks for today ... have plans for the weekend and want the clutter gone.
  • tempe987
    tempe987 Posts: 39 Member
    Today's Goal: Walking 3 ish miles of the Centennial Trail!
    Weekend Goals
    -Meal Plan
    -Grocery Shop :(
    -Walk the dog Sat & Sun
    -Clean-up Reorganize basement for an optimal workout space
    -Get in some Strength training! (a recent thread about lifting has got me motivated to do more than cardio)
  • mssue18
    mssue18 Posts: 117 Member
    Finish eating for the day is my goal for this evening. I will also pray I stay healthy as I am working. That means to the best of my ability I want to eat really healthy food and exercise and be safe. That means this weekend I want to go food shopping to get the healthy food. I also want to work on my apartment by sorting through 1 bookshelf and recycling the books I don’t want to keep and making neat the books I’m keeping.
  • rockconner
    rockconner Posts: 75 Member
    I've set my sights on walking, lifting weights, & maintaining discipline through a party tonight.
  • Fred77
    Fred77 Posts: 132 Member
    my plan for today is was do of work in the back garden. the lawn needs a haircut, but its been p*ssing down here all week so its a bit too damp to cut. So i did a bit of work trimming back some of the shrubs and small trees. Im also clearing an area to grow some vegetables. Ive knocked together a couple of planters, and im going to get a small greenhouse. ive also got a dwarf apple tree and a dwarf pear tree on order which i'll plant out.

    The local gyms reopened today, and although i've signed up online, i haven't gone Im still a bit nervous about Covid, so i'll let the initial rush calm down, then find out how busy the gym has been, and if its quiet enough im going to start getting back to it.
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    @Fred77 - so jealous! I dream of having a small greenhouse someday. (Okay actually I dream of living in a giant greenhouse, but baby steps).

    Ultimately I want to try a few dwarf fruit trees in our small yard, but that will be a future year.

    Do you have a lot of space for trees and the greenhouse? Or are you creatively fitting them into a smaller space?
  • Fred77
    Fred77 Posts: 132 Member
    edited July 2020
    eliezalot wrote: »
    @Fred77 - so jealous! I dream of having a small greenhouse someday. (Okay actually I dream of living in a giant greenhouse, but baby steps).

    Ultimately I want to try a few dwarf fruit trees in our small yard, but that will be a future year.

    Do you have a lot of space for trees and the greenhouse? Or are you creatively fitting them into a smaller space?

    @eliezalot My back garden is probably the size of a tennis court, so its not huge, but its a good size to be manageable. its also south facing so gets a lot of the sun (when the sun shines).

    the planters will sit up along the boundary fence so i will still have the lawn, but i reckon i'll have enough space and enough planters to grow a decent amount and variety of veggies. the greenhouse i'll use to grow things like chilli's, and im going to put up a trellis and plant out peas and beans as well so they can grow up it.

  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    Cesse - age 72 - Weigh-In

    308.6 lbs - starting weight on 3/28
    289.8 lbs - weighin on 07/25 -- loss = 0.1 lbs -- (18.8 lb total loss to date)

    JULY GOALS ---
    (1) Log all food and beverages honestly; Drink 10+ water [week 1 challenge = MEASURE IT!]
    (2) Exercise 30 min minimum (3000 steps)
    (3) Clean 30 min per day: house or yard or declutter

    Do 20 min stretches and 30 min of walking
    Feed & Water animals -- done
    Water outside plants -- done
    Bedroom -- reorganize, declutter, strip bed & redo,

    Basically stayed the same. Understandable. Had ham ... yummy ham! ... for 3 days. Blew sodium levels skyhigh. So, will have to up my water and watch sodium this coming week. Hopefully, will see better loss next Sat.

    Meeting daughter for breakfast this morning. Usually spend about 2 hours when we meet up. Then, it's home to start on the bedroom.
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    @tempe987 good luck with your strength training. I found a vid on YouTube for beginners so am also starting to do some strength training ... with 3 lb weights. Hopefully, down the road I'll graduate to 5 lb weights.

    @mssue18 I found a box of books I'd forgotten about a couple of months ago. Reread most of them. Now, I carry them in my car and when I see a "little library" along a street, I stop and add a few books.

    @rockconner Hope you succeed!! It can be tough to stay on track when you're at a party.

    @Fred77 I need to do some cleanup work in my yard; mainly, pruning and weeding. It's a never ending chore, but I do enjoy it when it's not too hot or too cold. I just have to be careful not to overdo. Dwarf fruit trees sound really good ... do they require much maintenance?

  • Fred77
    Fred77 Posts: 132 Member
    cesse47 wrote: »

    @Fred77 I need to do some cleanup work in my yard; mainly, pruning and weeding. It's a never ending chore, but I do enjoy it when it's not too hot or too cold. I just have to be careful not to overdo. Dwarf fruit trees sound really good ... do they require much maintenance?

    @cesse47 I dont think so. I haven't got any planted yet, but from what i can gather from the interweb, you just stick 'em in the ground, they dont grow too big, so no ladders or anything needed to pick the fruit, and no real pruning needed
  • mssue18
    mssue18 Posts: 117 Member
    I need to make a goal to cook. First I need to clean up my kitchen. I will do the bookshelf for 10 min. tonight and the kitchen tonight and tomorrow. I did add in a walk today which I’m proud of. Thanks for the idea for the books!
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
    Tomorrow I need to clean out the low freezer (I have, gods aid me, three freezers now to manage!) and put in it only the meat and vegetables that I'm going to be cooking this week, plus the bag of ice.

    The other two are a big upright freezer for storage that we brought with us, and a regular refrigerator with top freezer that the previous residents left behind in the garage. That actually works out because frozen treats (including chocolate, in this weather!) can be kept out there, and that way they aren't singing to you when you open the freezer in the kitchen to get some ice. I wouldn't have bought a second fridge for this, but since I have one, I may as well use it to help me out, right?

    Also need to make a quichecake tomorrow, and slice and freeze the meatloaf. That has to cool under weights tonight to give it the firm texture it needs for slicing. (If your meatloaf crumbles, that's the secret trick; put a similarly sized pan on top of it when it comes out of the oven, put a couple bricks in it, and let it cool under the weight.)

    Plus tomorrow is also when I plan to clean the downstairs. Given the heat, I'm really not sure how much will get done. I hate that, but it is what it is.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member

    Thursday 23rd July
      [*] Post in Binge Eating Challenge Thread
      [*] Complete Tracking Sheet for yesterday
      [*] Aim for 8000 steps

      [*] Yoga before bed
      [*] Listen to at least 1 chapter of audiobook
      [*] Laundry
      [*] Plan weekend food

      Had a friend staying over the weekend who is having a bit of a rough time, so didn't get much done apart from bit of basic cleaning.

      Monday 27th July
      • Complete Tracking Sheet
      • Aim for 8000 steps
      • Yoga before bed
      • Listen to 1 chapter of audiobook
      • Hoover
      • Mop

    • eliezalot
      eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
      eliezalot wrote: »
      Weekend goals:
        [*] Rest!
        [*] Bake a batch of sourdough, make some pasta out of the discard - didn't get to this yet - Suzy (my starter) needed an extra feeding to really get going
        [*] Finish canning my peaches and green beans - HAVE to do this today. Peaches are super ripe, and there are more beans to pick
        [*] Reconnect the wiring to the garage (I accidentally cut through the buried wires while gardening) - put off for another weekend
        [*] Plant my new perennials - I got about half planted (then accidentally bought some more today...oops), and will get the rest in t
        [*] Probably hit up the grocery store

          Saturday I did an hour of strength-focused yoga, and accidentally went on 3 bike rides (two were planned...but when I biked to the pharmacy I forgot my wallet, so had to go back to get it lol).

          I spent several sweaty hours planing my new perennials yesterday morning. I slept in until 7, so didn't get started as early as I'd like. The heat got to me before about half way through - cutting through the grass/sod in our clay soil is hard work when it is in the 90's (and I already was feeling pretty beat from Saturday's yoga).

          Did a lot of extra errands yesterday too. We're replacing our dishwasher, which has been a several month process. We bought one, they came to install it, took one look, and told us it wouldn't fit (1/4" too big), so we had to return it. In the mean time, we found someone to adjust the cabinet space. He stopped by yesterday and did that, so we went out, bought a new dishwasher, it was just delivered 15 minutes ago, and the installers will be by on Thursday. I can't wait! (Even though my husband does most of the dishes, lol.)

          [*] Can the peaches and green beans
          [*] Feed Suzy, save discard, mix-up dough and set to rise
          [*] Review some stuff for work that I've felt behind on for ages
          [*] Short (maybe 30 minutes) of yoga
          [*] Cook supper - I picked up some ground lamb, so will probably use that in some way tongiht. Ususally I go for spicy lamb burgers or meatballs, but we have no burger buns (and its too hot to have the oven on to bake some today), and we just had meatballs last week. I'm open to suggestions! :smile:
          [*] Stare at my new dishwasher and dream of reclaiming my sink from the tower of dirty dishes that has encompassed it for the last 2 months.
        • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
          AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
          I like lamb meatballs in a sweet curry with spinach and cashews.
        • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
          AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
          Slept late, which is what I get for not taking my Kindle up with the alarms set. Oh, well.
          I have a bit of a headache. That does not bode well for getting my above set of things done.
        • tinkerbellang83
          tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,069 Member
          Monday 27th July
            [*] Complete Tracking Sheet
            [*] Aim for 8000 steps
            [*] Yoga before bed
            [*] Listen to 1 chapter of audiobook

            [*] Hoover
            [*] Mop

            Did not get much done in the way of housework last night, so that's back on the list.

            Tuesday 28th July
            • Complete Tracking Sheet
            • Aim for 8000 steps
            • Yoga before bed
            • Listen to 1 chapter of audiobook
            • Hoover
            • Mop
            • Laundry
          • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
            AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Posts: 3,106 Member
            Do three loads of laundry
            Change the sheets and duvet covers on the weighted blankets
            Tidy up the dressing table
            Clean and dust the master bedroom and mop the floor
            Make lunch: Hamburgers, chips, pickles.
            Make dinner: Sweet and sour pork, steamed broccoli, and either cauliflower rice or white rice. (I have a sugar-free sweet-and-sour recipe!)
            Tidy up the floor area of the pantry and begin working out how you're going to redo the dry good storage in process. (Where am I going to stack all this while I'm unloading and reloading the shelves?)
          • eliezalot
            eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
            eliezalot wrote: »
            [*] Can the peaches and green beans - Canned 8 pints of sweet tea poached peaches. So excited for these!
            [*] Feed Suzy, save discard, mix-up dough and set to rise - Suzy is neglected and hungry. Today maybe.
            [*] Review some stuff for work that I've felt behind on for ages - Got pulled into other new work stuff instead
            [*] Short (maybe 30 minutes) of yoga - Took a rest day, it was nice.
            [*] Cook supper - I picked up some ground lamb, so will probably use that in some way tongiht. Ususally I go for spicy lamb burgers or meatballs, but we have no burger buns (and its too hot to have the oven on to bake some today), and we just had meatballs last week. I'm open to suggestions! :smile: - Made Moroccan spiced lamb meatballs with homemade pitas and a mint-garlic yogurt sauce. Yum.
            [*] Stare at my new dishwasher and dream of reclaiming my sink from the tower of dirty dishes that has encompassed it for the last 2 months.

            [*] Pick and can green beans
            [*] Feed poor Suzy. I really need to make bread.
            [*] Review some stuff for work that I've felt behind on for ages. Blocked off time this afternoon for this.
            [*] Short (maybe 30 minutes) of yoga - Already did about 45 minutes of yoga this morning.
          • cesse47
            cesse47 Posts: 947 Member

            JULY GOALS ---
            (1) Log all food and beverages honestly; Drink 10+ water [week 1 challenge = MEASURE IT!]
            (2) Exercise 30 min minimum (3000 steps)
            (3) Clean 30 min per day: house or yard or declutter

            TASKS FOR TODAY ---
            Do 20 min stretches and 30 min of walking
            Feed & Water animals -- done
            Water outside plants -- done
            Bedroom -- reorganize, declutter, strip bed & redo -- still need to do

            Love our Farmer's Market!! Yesterday picked up cucumbers, tomatoes, peaches & creme corn on the cob YUM!!, huge head of cauliflower, 1 each fresh caught Lake Perch & Lake Trout, 6 duck eggs, yellow & green beans, and snow pea pods. I also picked up a bouquet of mixed flowers and a dozen glads in purple, yellow, and pink. They are lovely! The food stalls are easily 8 ft apart, everyone wears a mask and are very conscious of social distancing, and only the vendors are allowed to touch the produce. Each stall is set up with a hand sanitizer station for customers and vendors. And, the vendors use it between handling each order. We have a semi-pro ball team and after our flood, the Market changed it's location to the parking lot of the ball diamond which allows for the distancing of the food stalls. Because it's so large, it's also a great way to fit in some outside exercise ... even though it's more of a stroll.


            @mssue18 I cook for one which I think can be tougher than for 2-4. Since the beginning of lockdown, I think I've gotten better at it. I joined a Facebook group -- Cooking For One - The One Dish Kitchen Community -- and that's helped as well. I also made it a goal to try a new recipe at least every other week to keep meals from getting too boring.

            @AlexandraFindsHerself1971 Great idea to put your treats in the garage frig!!

            @tinkerbellang83 I'm also an audiobook reader. My library just recently changed their process and my tablet won't download it because "it's not supported" by the new process. GRRRRrrrrrrr!!

            @eliezalot OK, I admit I'm curious. Is Suzy a pet?

            Have a great evening Y'All!! 👋